Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : Grégoire Allaire, Approximation Numérique et Optimisation, for students in the second year of Ecole Polytechnique curriculum: 8 lessons of 1h30.

  • Master : Houssem Haddar, Approximation Numérique et Optimisation, for students in the second year of Ecole Polytechnique curriculum: 8 TDs of 4h.

  • Master : Houssem Haddar, Variational analysis of partial differential equations, for students in the second year of Ecole Polytechnique curriculum: 8 TDs of 4h.

  • Master : Lucas Chesnel, “Variational analysis for partial differential equations”, 16 equivalent TD hours, second year (2A), École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

  • Master : Lucas Chesnel, “Numerical approximation and optimisation”, 14 equivalent TD hours, second year (2A), École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

  • Master : Lucas Chesnel, “Elementary tools of analysis for partial differential equations”, 25 equivalent TD hours, L3, Ensta ParisTech, Palaiseau, France

  • Master : Grégoire Allaire, Optimal design of structures, for students in the third year of Ecole Polytechnique curriculum. 9 lessons of 1h30.

  • Master : Grégoire Allaire, Theoretical and numerical analysis of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, Master M2 ”mathematical modeling”, 8 lessons of 3h.

  • Master : Jing Rebecca Li, Mathematical and numerical foundations of modeling and simulation using partial differential equations. French-Vietnam Master Program in Applied Mathematics.

  • Doctorat : Houssem Haddar, Lecturer at the Summer School on Quantitative Tomographic Imaging : Radon meets Bell and Maxwell. (2x1h30) July 10-14, RICAM, Linz, 2017.


  • Ph.D. : M. Lakhal, Méthodes d'inversion pour la reconstruction de mines enfouies à partir de mesures d'antennes radar, June 2017, H. Haddar

  • Ph.D. : T.P. Nguyen, Direct and inverse solvers for scattering problems from locally perturbed infinite periodic layers, January 2017, H. Haddar

  • Ph.D. : K. Van Nguyen, Modeling, simulation and experimental verification of water diffusion in neuronal network of the Aplysia ganglia, March 2017, J.-R. Li and L. Ciobanu

  • Ph.D. in progress: B. Charfi, Identification of the sigular support of a GIBC, 2014, H. Haddar and S. Chaabane

  • PhD in progress : A. Talpaert, the direct numerical simulation of vapor bubbles at low Mach number with adaptative mesh refinement, 2013, G. Allaire and S. Dellacherie

  • PhD in progress : A. Bissuel, linearized Navier Stokes equations for optimization, floating and aeroaccoustic, 2014, G. Allaire

  • PhD in progress : P. Geoffroy on topology optimization by the homogenization method in the context of additive manufacturing (Safran Tech, to be defended in 2019), G. Allaire.

  • PhD in progress : S. Houbar sur la cavitation dans le fluide caloporteur induite par les mouvements des assemblages d'un réacteur (CEA, to be defended in 2020), G. Allaire and G. Campioni

  • PhD in progress : M. Boissier sur l'optimisation couplée de la topologie des formes et de la trajectoire de lasage en fabrication additive (to be defended in 2020). G. Allaire and Ch. Tournier.

  • PhD in progress : L. Rakotondrainibe sur l'optimisation des liaisons enre pièces dans les système mécaniques (to be defended in 2020), G. Allaire.

  • PhD in progress : F. Feppon sur l'optimisation topologique de systèmes couplés fluide-solide-thermique (Safran, to be defended in 2020), G. allaire and Ch. Dapogny.

  • PhD in progress : Q. Feng sur les éléments finis multi-échelles pour Navier Stokes incompressible en milieu encombré (CEA, to be defended in 2019), G. Allaire and A. Cartalade.

  • PhD in progress : K. Napal, Transmission eigenvalues and non destructive testing of concrete like materials , 2016, L. Chesnel H. Haddar and L. Audibert

  • PhD in progress : M. Kchaou, Higher order homogenization tensors for DMRI modeling, 2016, H. Haddar, J.R Li and M. Moakher

  • PhD in progress : H. Girardon, Non destructive testing of PWR tubes using eddy current rotating coils, 2017, H. Haddar and L. Audibert

  • PhD in progress : J. Hao, Thesis topic: Algorithm and software development for analysis and classification of EEG measurements during administration of neuropsychological tests for AD/HD, 2017, J.R. Li and H. Rahioui.